
Creation of an African ‚Elite‘

Interrogating Germany’s role
and the implications
on Africa’s developmental future

The role of Europe in shaping Africa’s history, current affairs and the future is undeniably huge. One area in which that role has been quite conspicuous is the ‘creation’ of African elites. These elite are found in business, politics, civil society and other realms of the African society. After half a century of Germany’s determined engagement in such ‘elite creation programmes’ and the apparent laudable results thereof, the presentation will reveal some hidden complexities. The speaker Melusi Nkomo provides a renewed interrogation of Germany’s role in the formation of an African ‘elite’ and suggests that amongst other reasons, the current programmes have led Africa into a developmental cul de sac. They have not been context specific and ‘married’ the needs of the greater African community. What are the implications of current ‘elite creation’ on North-South relations and the future developmental trajectories of the African continent?

Donnerstag, den 28.06.
um 18 Uhr im Schloss (11/213)
Eintritt frei